Sunday, February 15, 2009

Most of the times, meeting with the suppliers who are producing the designs we do, means dull offices and very little creative atmosphere.
Sometimes, you meet suppliers who are even crazier than yourself when it comes to obsessing over detail and collecting.
Union Apparel's head honcho Mr Philip Law is my new hero.
His office is a wet dream.
Beatles photo Ep's (which we played on an old italian machine) a Ducati, a superb collection of robots and dolls, vintage denim everywhere. I honestly didn't get much work done. But we did talk about natural dyed indigo, 45rpm and the three ply 120's shirting fabrics they developed two seasons ago and which set me back 450 bucks for a shirt.
He showed me the Damien Hirst collection for Levis, which he produced. Among them where the spin printed 1947 501's....7 pairs where made and sold for 15 000 euros..

1 comment:

Vision Forum said...

Please introduce me for this fella,I'm the best friend he never had. Promise...